The 21 Day Cleanse to a better you!
“It takes 21
days to form a new habit “according to the European Journal of Social
Psychology. Chiropractic Wellness Associates and its doctors focus on
chiropractic, however, our doctors are also extensively trained in clinical
nutrition and physiology. Our office has created a hybrid cleanse program that
utilizes nutritional whole food supplements from Standard Process and nutraceutical
supplements from Metagenics. In case you haven’t heard of these companies, Standard
Process is an organic, whole food farm in Wisconsin. Metagenics is one of the leading nutraceutical
supplement companies in the country providing dairy-free and gluten-free
products at a pharmaceutical grade level. Vitamins are not all created equal;
for example, the picture below is an x-ray view of an abdomen after taking the
popular vitamin, Centrum. The result is a non-digested vitamin which should be
dissolved after leaving your stomach, NOT still in pill form two days later in
your large intestine.
What is our cleanse kit?
The cleanse kit
consists of a series of dairy-free and gluten-free protein powders that can be
blended or shaken together. The shakes have all the nutrients, proteins,
vitamins, minerals, fiber, and food that you will need for an entire day. One
element of the shake is SP complete, a powdered food supplement containing vegetables
such as Brussel sprouts, kale, rice protein, alfalfa, buckwheat, and flax seed.
These are very healthy REAL foods that are ignored in the American diet, but
the powder makes it easy to consume, especially if you are not used to eating
The purification
program combines whole food eating with supplements,
nutritious supplement shakes, and light exercise. The menu includes an
abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. It works similar to an elimination diet where you do not eat
any processed foods; no sugar, no caffeine, no dairy, no meat, and no fatty
foods. After avoiding these harmful foods and supplementing your body with real
whole food nutrition, you will feel a boost in energy in the first week. The
best part is that it tastes delicious!
important to derive your dietary protein from more vegetable sources than
animals sources. Your body becomes toxic and chronically inflamed from eating processed
foods such as: corn, wheat, beef, cheese
and dairy. Rice protein is the gluten-free, vegetarian option that is as good
as whey protein, if not better. Just remember the saying the next time you eat processed
meat “you are what you eat eats”
Healthy Tips
important rule-of-thumb that we give to our patients is the 2:1 vegetable to
fruit ratio. Eat two servings of vegetables to 1 serving of fruit. Fruit contains a lot of natural sugar, and in
excess it can be unhealthy as well. It’s not the fat in food that makes you
fat, it’s the sugar.
All carbs
that enter your body that are high in starch such as wheat, grains, breads, potatoes, corn, pastas etc. turn
into sugar after your body digests them. The trick to losing weight is avoiding
sugar and carbs, not fat!

You can order your supplements through our website or Just use our code and the Metagenics sign in screen: wellnessdrs
Xray pic
Standard process pics
Metagenics pic
fruits and vegies pic